Friday, April 26, 2013

Downer: lesson plan 2

Reading Lesson Plan # 2

Rationale: The students that I used for the first lesson are the same students that I am using for the second lesson, If feel that they have not developed the knowledge or understanding yet on how to break up words into syllables and sounding out difficult words since I have just met with them once. Also, my teacher encouraged me to work with these students again in a small lesson to continue to help them learn how to sound out difficult words.
Objective for this lesson (performance, condition, criteria): Students will learn how to identify ending sounds in words and keep endings together when breaking up syllables into words.
Materials & supplies needed: list of words, paper, pencil 
Words I am going to use:
Painstaking         Duration
Legislation          Deteriorate
Treacherous       Burdened

Procedures and approximate time allocated for each event 

Introduction to the lesson (7 minutes) 
Last week we all worked on breaking words into their syllables so that it is easier to sound out difficult words. Everyone did a great job, today we are going to continue to work on breaking up words into syllables however I am going to give you a new strategies that you can use to help you learn how to break up difficult words so it is easier for you to sound out the word.  Does anyone remember one rule that we learned last week (we will discus the rules and quickly look at two words we worked on last week, innocent, punishment). Great job everyone, today we are going to look at the ending of words and learn that when there is an ending like: ing, ed, tion, ous, or ate you keep it together. That is one syllable all by itself, you do not want to break it up when breaking up words into syllables.
OUTLINE of key events during the lesson (10 minutes)
I am going to provide you some words, I want everyone to remember the rules that we learned last week and use those rules to help you break up these rules. However, all of the words I am going to give you have suffix, when I say suffix what do I mean
-        student the word will be ending in ed, ing, tion
that is correct and when the word end is a suffix you have to keep the whole suffix together and that is a syllable.
I would like everyone to now word independently and break apart the words using a pensile into the different syllables. We will then come back as a group and work on discussing why you broke the word up the way you did.
Great job everyone on working quietly and by yourself, we are now going to go through the list of words to make sure everyone broke the words up correctly in syllables. Each student will have a chance to say how the broke up the word and then sound out the word.
(discuss with the students on the different words and work through words if they incorrectly broke the word into syllables.)
Closing summary for the lesson (3minutes)
Everyone had done a great job breaking difficult words into syllables, when you come to a difficult word make sure you remember the two strategies we have used.  In order to have understood looking at the ending sound as an individual syllable you would have learned the rules like we did in the first lesson. This will be really important when reading spirit bear by Ben Mikaelsen because that book contains a lot of big words that are difficult to sounds out.
I will have each of my students that I worked with read a couple pages of spirit bear to me so that I can make sure they are using the rules and instructions I provided to them during the two mini lessons. It will be important to help students apply this information to when they are actually reading. Over the coarse of the week I will focus on these students and listening to how they read so that I can still work with them on breaking difficult words into syllables.
Adaptations: Based on what you know about your focus students, what Academic, Social and/or Linguistic Support will be needed during the lesson?
Once again I will need to make sure my students understand the meaning of the words that I am presenting to them, I have two English language learners who struggle with vocabulary and it will be important that they understand the meaning of the words. Also, I will make sure students have clear directions to follow and time that they can reflect and talk to their piers since they learn better when interacting and talking to others about the information they are learning.

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